- You need to enable adding in settings
- id column for product to be added needs to be clear (no value)
- SKU is set in CSV needs to be unique
- slug needs to be unique
- if you are adding variation you need to set parent column appropriately. Just id of parent of parent is also added from same import sku:<parent sku> or slug:<parent slug>
i want to see working example for 2 products import with:
each product in its own 2nd level category
we dont use SKU (autogenerating?)
product short description
product long description (with chars like ",{,},/,<,\ )
product image (can it be like /images/products/img###.jpg ?)
when i have some products and need to add more products, is it good way to have csv with only new products? or i need to put existing in it too?
I dont need any videos, i want to understand before buy,
I have attached modified csv (exported from your demo, edited and uploaded)
as result i didnt see manufacturer and category, so its impossible to create categories or i did something wrong?
Also i didnt see an image and description.
So, before import i have to create manufacturers and categories.
If im adding new products, i have to leave VMproductID empty (in that case product will be added)
If the product exists - then it will be updated.
thats right?
I've purchased VM 'excel like' product manager with UDF plugin and if I tried to export some VM products.
The created CSV file looks wrong.
All columns in the first line, some mysterious signs, etc.
The file will also not imported.
What can I do, what's wrong?