My company is a new user to your APP, and I want to be sure that I understand the Import operation.
Question 1
When I import from Excel, will your APP append the data I have created/changed to the end of the existing data? This will in essence create a duplicate of some data if I exported it for the purpose of adding variants
Question 2
Is there a way to delete a group of cells in your editor? I can not find a way. This would be helpful if the data from the import creates duplicates.
import process first tries to find existing product/variant to update its data. If no match if found it will assume it should be added. You can also explicitly forbid adding with checkbox on first import screen. On third import step you will get preview of what will be changed before you commit so you can stop and try different things if needed.
You can delete specific rows by doing vertical selection or you can delete by filter. id and create time are available in filters so you can filter out latest created products.