Unfortunately, we have trouble updating prices with decimals in the latest 2 releases.
If we attempt to write a decimal number with comma or stop signs, the auto sale price goes nuts.
In short, it is not possible for me to input decimals as the systems neither likes comma nor stop sign separators. When an override is involved, it gets even more difficult.
I do not understand what German numbers are or where to find that setting. Is it Virtuemart configuration ?
I searched my way to find the code you mentioned in vmexcellikeinput.php. Upon changing the code, I messed around to see if VMLEM accepted decimals. The component then started to randomly change the price of the shown products. See this vid for example:
It changed about 30 products before I terminated the page. I then needed the table reconstructed from backup.
So my question is, what are German numbers and what do you think of this behaviour by VMLEM ?
We use the danish currency, which carries the comma separator. The same system is used by the majority of the non-english speaking world:
wiki on decimals
Our database collation is "utf8 - default collation"
Can you comment on how to correct our problem? We cannot correct prices as the system freaks out when inserting comma decimals.